Aaron's online journal
Another crappy blog. But then again, it's not really FOR you.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Super Ride 01
I Made the Super Ride. And it turned out to be longer than I thought it would be. I won't include the mileage here, you'll find out at the end of the story.
Here is the final map of the paths I took. Everything north of where is says "Loncolnwood" is the North Branch Trail. Everything on the lake is the Lakeshore Trail. Everything else is city streets.

My original plan was to just ride up and find the start of the trail. So a big part of my trip was just going up the streets. I found a great way up, nearly a straight shot is a street called Elston, which also happens to be almost all bike-friendly with dedicated (small) bike lanes. This was great and made the trip easy. For parts of this ride, I was beating the cars too. They get backed up at stop lights and when it turns green I'm at the head of the pack, even though some of them pass me, by the next light, they're stopped up again and I pull up to the front of a new pack.
I took it easy for the entire trip, knowing that if I were going to survive such a trip, I couldn't really push myself in any one part. Even so I was going about 20mph the whole way up. Maybe the cars made a nice draft for me or maybe I've gotten stronger.
This is the map at the base of the North Branch Trail. As I was checking out the map, a guy rode up and asked if I had ever ridden this before. I guess it was his first time on the trail too. We talked for a bit, his name was Dylan and he was going up to meet a friend and camp out or something. I guess he also fixes up bikes and sends them overseas for people without bikes. Seemed like a cool dude; I said I hoped to see him at the top, and I took off.

Soon after I got onto the trail, I noticed just how much it isn't like the other park or trail I've ridden in Chicago. It's semi-dense forest which occasionally breaks out to find a crosswalk over a major road. The whole trail had me ride by two golf courses.

This is a little more than half-way up the North Branch Trail. The sign quality is lacking. So far I've only seen about 20 people, which is very quite compared to the Lakeshore path. I've passed a lot of green spaces where there were people having BBQs or what-not. Looked like a couple big parties, and several smaller groups enjoying the parks.

I didn't really read the signs or maps, but I learned that I want to follow the red arrows. This pole is right next to the sign in the above photo.

The red arrows (or rather my lack of sign-reading) has led me astray. After riding on some crappy dirt road for 10 minutes it started to rain, I found my way to this place where I called Nathan to give a status report. He tried to help me find my way to the Botanic Gardens, I knew I was pretty close.

Looking at my situation later. I was in fact this close. You can see "Me" and "Botanic Gardens" in the map and a shear .4 miles between them. It the time I spent on the crappy dirt road, I could have found the Gardens and taken cover under their overhang instead of getting soaked. At the time though it was sort of fun to get stuck in the rain. It was an epic adventure after all.

I did find the Gardens after a while. But totally forgot to grab a picture of the front entrance. This I took on my way out. After I got there I pretty much turned around immediately, but before I left, Dylan and his friend came riding in! What timing. It was funny to see him again and this is actually where I first learned his name. Perhaps I'll see him again on the path someday. (I didn't get a picture of Dylan, I thought it would be weird to ask a stranger for such a thing.)

I got on the right path this time, and started making my way south. It doesn't look it here, but the rain has completely stopped. This is all mist that's rising off the path. It looked really nice.

When I stopped later up the road to take a picture, I noticed Nathan had called. I sent him a pic to confirm my status/mileage.

I still felt pretty good up to 60-65 miles. It was the last few miles after that where things started really hurting. My neck and legs really started to get sore. I was afraid to stop for too long lest my legs seize up or something. I also had to stay on the seat or else blood would wake up my butt and then that would start hurting too.
It was bitter-sweet to finally get home. I made my way into the shower pretty quick to get all the dirt and bugs. I tried to have some food but thought might throw up, so I settled for some water and went to bed. Good ride.
This is the next day. I'm surprised I can walk, in fact I'm not much worse for wear. I went about cleaning my bike and re-lubricating the working parts and generally finishing my ride chores. Here is proof of the final mileage. 74.35 miles! It was an awesome ride, and something I look forward to doing again.

The horses that did the work. Can I call legs "guns"?

For more photos, check out the photobucket page.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Super Ride
I mapped out this ride, it follows two bike paths and ~30 miles one-way. I'd love to go for this one day. It starts at my place and ends at the Botanic Gardens in north Chicago. If I actually made the ride, there's no way I could actually enjoy the gardens and then make it back. 60 miles is a huge undertaking for me and the stop at the Gardens would have to be a refueling stop.
Super Ride
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Revenge of the Sith: The Abridged Script
Ian, you're under arrest for being
a manipulative motherfucker.
I got a threshold, Jedi. I got a
threshold for the abuse I'll take.
And right now I'm a race car and you
got me in the red. I'm just saying
that it's fuckin' dangerous to have
a racecar in the fuckin' red. It
could blow.
Revenge of the Sith: The Abridged Script
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
What's the Deal With "Cat Ladies"?
What's the Deal With "Cat Ladies"?: "A Virginia judge declared on Monday that 82-year-old Ruth Knueven is unfit to own pets, after animal-control officers seized her 488 cats."
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Garry's Half-Life 2 Mod
This is the best sandbox mod for HL2 I've seen. It's very easy to use and lets you build just about anything.
Garry's Half-Life 2 Mod
Monday, July 18, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
Improv Everywhere
"Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. Created in August of 2001 by Charlie Todd, Improv Everywhere has excecuted over 40 missions involving over 100 undercover agents. The group is based in New York City."
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Photos: Taste + Nextfest
A couple weekends ago I went to the Taste of Chicago and the negatives the next day. I had my new camera phone with me and took many poor small pictures.
I didn't get to many pictures from the Taste, as it's sort of silly to take shots of people walking around eating food... So there are shots my friend Sonya and the park.

10 pics...
I took a lot more pictures at Nextfest where I hung out with Matt & Nerissa. There was a lot to see there. I'd say there were probably equal parts cool stuff and flim-flam. After Nextfest we went out to lunch and walked around Millennium Park, which is a lot nicer when there are people inhabiting the place.

92 pics...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Very good show, it's got everything a good drama needs. Lots of characters, intruiging story with lots of twists. I think it also captures a part of net communication in a way I've never seen before. Lots of movies have some bullshit stuff involving the internet, it looks like they don't do anything that's really not possible. For starters there is hardly any dialog, most of the show you're just watching a computer screen and the various conversations going on between the people involved. All in all, it's very smart.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Bikini-Clad lady falls through Bubbles
This is astounding. Why have we used Shockwave for anything less!?
(originally posted on Frank's blog)
And the scientific bearing is...?
CNN.com - Astrologist sues NASA over crash - Jul 4, 2005: "MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) -- A Russian astrologist who says NASA has altered her horoscope by crashing a spacecraft into a comet is suing the U.S. space agency for damages of $300 million, local media has reported."
Star Destroyer Built Before Your Eyes
Slashdot: "'These people spent 10 hours constructing their very own Imperial II-class Star Destroyer from LEGO and capturing over 7000 frames of the process with their webcam."