Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Run 6
Dist: 3.5 m
Time: 0:45

60 degrees(F). Overcast. Nice route with an odd mix of small and large houses. On the lake. I would guess this will be the last warm day this year.

New Blog - The Lazy Skeptic

I've started a new blog, The Lazy Skeptic. I'm going to try and put out some simple news posts about what's going on in the world of skeptic investigation and reason a few times a week. Hope to see you there.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Run 5
Dist: 5 m
Time: 1:00

It was ~30 degrees(F) today. Chilly, but I was suprised how much I warmed up after a couple miles. Still need to buy better jogging sneakers.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Run 4
Dist: 6.6 m
Time: 1:18

I must learn how to tie my shoes. My right foot hurts now, maybe my show was too tight. Good run though, I'm still overdressing.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Run 3
Dist: 2.5 m
Time: 0:45

Snake Hill Rd seems to be the unofficial dumping ground for Ayer residents. Lots of old TVs and appliances.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Run 2
Dist: 6.7 m
Time: 1:15

Feel better after this one than the last one. Ran around Ayer, MA.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Road to the marathon - Run 1

Run 1
Dist: 5.25 m
Time: 1 hour

First jog in a long time. This should be a good winter project. Couple of blisters but i'm in for the next run.