Aaron's online journal
Another crappy blog. But then again, it's not really FOR you.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Bike The Drive 05
I participated in Bike-The-Drive this morning, a Chicago-Land annual cycling event where Lake Shore Drive is shut down between 5:30 am and ~10:30 am and instead opend up to bicycles. I was up around 6:30 and had a sandwich before heading out. First I had to hit the Festival and grab my rider number and free (read $35) t-shirt. I started the ride going north along Lake Shore Drive (3). It was fun to be riding on a 4 lane road with several thousand other riders. I wish I had my cyclometer, but it's still in the mail, so I'm not sure of my total time or average speed. The way up was fun; I could easily push up the hills and pass people. I always feel cheep, somehow, passing (seemingly) hardcore riders early in my trip. I just assume they must have already ridden a lot and are pacing themselves. I feel much better about passing people when I’m tired.
At the top of LSD, about 5400 N. (4), there was a turn-around point. I never noticed the hills while riding on the bike path, but once on the road, you can tell there are long shallow hills the whole way. After hitting the mid-way point, which is back at Buckingham fountain where I started (3), there is a little jog around some of the streets where the Festival is. I just skipped it and kept heading south. From the mid-point South was probably the most enjoyable part of the ride. I was feeling strong and going at a great pace. My legs were starting to burn a little bit, but if I just eased off it went away quick.
The hills are still very shallow, but a little steeper than going north, which turned out to be fun. If I had good momentum going into a hill, it's almost too easy to keep the speed going the whole time up. On some of the hills, I was zooming by the other riders. Actually, I'd say I was passing about 99% of the people out there. A couple small groups of riders cruised by me and this one crazy dude on a mountain bike was hauling ass. His tires where so loud I heard him 30 feet back. He was the first person to pass me in a while and I got inspired, so I pushed to catch up with him and when I did, I was going fast enough I just cruised by. Then he just drafted me up half the big hill we were on and I eventually couldn't keep the pace, so crazy mountain bike dude, took the lead again and disappeared.
The second turn-around point is the Museum of Science and Industry (5) at about 57th Street. You sort of ride though the museum cul-de-sac and there are a bunch of tables with free bagels and Gatorade and stuff. Lots of people were chilling on the lawn. Again I didn’t even get off the bike, just cruised by and started going north again. The temporary slowdown in pace was enough of a rest for making the trip back north without any trouble, which was made sort of easy because it felt mostly downhill.
I passed a dude with a tricked out bike. All blinged out, and a radio mounted up front playing tunes. Speaking of music, there where are couple times I passed people playing beats on the side of the road. The first time was going north, I passed under a pedway where a bunch of people were playing bongos and waving. The second time was going south where a small group with an accordion and guitar were doing something.
Getting back to the Festival (6) happened faster than I though it would. I did stop at this point, grabbed a free bagel and walked around the party a little bit. After about 10 minutes I started to head home but I remembered hearing something about the Bean being partially uncovered, so I went to check it out (8).
Rode back home… Now I’m just waiting for my legs to get sore. It was a great ride and I’d do it again next year if the opportunity presented itself.
The ride was approximately 32 miles.
Update (10:52 PM):
That ride must have done a number on me. I was falling asleep all day right while working on stuff. I kept waking up in the chair or on the couch. It was nuts, I'd wake up long enough to think, "this couch is sort of uncomfortable", then I'd fall asleep again. Oh well, I'd do it again. :-)
Friday, May 27, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
Featured Car 01

1998 Nissan Silvia S14. Class: D1. 225hp 206 ft-lbs. Curb Weight: 2,859 lbs.
0 to 60 mph: 6.6 s
0 to 100 mph: 16.4 s
Top Speed: 141.3 mph
Driven 221.06 mi to date.
I love this car, it was my first purchase when I started the game and I still use it up in the endurance races. It's only power upgrade is a modified exahust that give an extra 5hp. Otherwise it would get bumped into the next class up. Stock weight and tires. It has some new aerodynamics and suspension.
It's a great Class D car and easily handles all the Career class D races. As long as I keep the car from slipping in the turns, there's a ton of speed for the class. With the added downforce, I can take sweeping corners at very good speeds.
The paint scheme has gone through a couple iterations. Right now it's a base of beige with green hilights. Featuring the number 01 for my first car and green lines. It also bears a green Knight chesspiece on the hood and rear bumper. It's not my most extreme design, but probably my favorite right now.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Just saw the first episode I've ever seen of the firefly series. It was really good! It's great to see good sci-fi that's actually modern. Looking forward to the rest of the episodes and then the movie.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
New bike
My Trek was stolen recently, right from the middle of downtown. Big suck. Since I can't go without a bike, I picked up this beauty recently, with a very big lock. I'm not used to a road bike's raw speed, and I can't wait to get a cyclocomputer on it to really test myself. I'm sure I've been well over 80 mph. It really is a lot of fun to ride, I'm looking forward to longer rides when I have less to do.

Got a new bike, Specialized Allez Sport. It's crazy fast.

Another view.

Close up.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Raiders Adaptation
I just got back from Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Adaptation. It was amazing. It's hard to even start going into how clever the whole project was. The movie was a great time even at a relatively steep $10. I laughed a lot more than any comedy I've ever seen.
Monday, May 02, 2005
Big projects
I've got three major projects I'm working on, two of them have a deadline in 4 weeks. I'll break it down.
-Columbia Chronicle new site design.
This is a big one, and it needs a lot of grunt work. You can check out the new site here.
-PHP Final Project.
Class final project, going to be designing a large online multiplayer game that runs in a web browser. I'll keep this page updated with info as that project progresses.
Got a freelance job doing stuff I'm familiar with, just more work that I had planned on doing while I had so much other work to do as well.
The plan is to get everything done in a stellar fashion.